Thursday, December 20, 2012

Nintendo Wii 1st Attempt

Finally, with the stabled release of Dolphin you are able to enjoy both Nintendo Wii and Gamecube games now.

Below are the specs i am using
Windows 7
Intel i3 3.1 Ghz
Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti

My 1st game will be the Fatal Frame 2 :Wii Edition.
This is the remake for the PS2 games by Tecmo.

And here is how the graphics run on dolphin. All in 720P glories.

And here is the sample of FMV

Another sample of 1080p from DOnkey Kong running on Dolphin.
And here is the original game running on Wii which is capped at 480P as the hardware is not capable to runs High Definition. Shame on you Nintendo.